whom i really miss!!
Oh god.! now i became very alone,
please help me to overcome from this pain!!
No one hear's my cries of pain,
and all my tears go in vain!!
No one comes to share my sorrow,
or promiss me for a better tomorrow!!
Is i'm victim of this cruel world,
that my cries still unheard!!
But its ok i'll bare this pain,
without any complain!!
They knows all my feelings,
right from the start of our friendship!!
They reads my expression,
before i can hide!!
They are very sweet and close to my heart,
thats why i apologize for my missdeed!!
please forgive me if anything wrong i did,
I just want to send a message by this,
i never cry a lot but tears filed my eyes like hell.!!
To part with you people will really be sad,
and friendship is worth more than all on this earth!!
Thats why i'm writting this to my friends,
and i wish them a happy friendship day with a lot of joy!!
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